Sound Technology to Bring You
Back into Your Flow

Because of the neuroplasticity of the brain, the more time you spend in a brainwave state, the easier it is for your brain
to enter into that state in the future.

The Brainwave States

The brain states targeted by NeuroTōnz include Alpha, Theta, Delta, and Gamma. These are simply different brainwave frequencies - you can think of them as the speed at which your neurons are firing. You are most likely in a Beta brainwave state right now as you’re reading this.

Beta is a fairly fast brainwave speed and while it’s great for working on to-do lists and getting things done, it can also be characterized by anxiety and agitation when our brainwaves get into the higher ranges of Beta.

Because of the stresses of modern day society, many of us spend too much time in Beta and not enough time in the slower brainwave states that bring us more clarity, relaxation, creativity, and inspiration.

Constant Beta-living keeps us running on the gerbil wheel and out of our “flow” state.

Why You Want to Spend More Time in These Brainwave Frequencies...

It used to take years of meditation and focus to train your brain to easily enter these ideal brainwave states. Not any more. Enter these states within minutes of listening to the NeuroTōnz advanced sound technologies, and train your brain to go there more easily through daily listening. It's like going to a gym for your brain, only this practice is incredibly relaxing.

Each brainwave state has its own gifts that it has to offer to your life.  Below are just some of the benefits you'll experience when you allow NeuroTōnz to take you deep into these transformational frequencies.

How it Works

To conserve energy, our brainwaves entrain themselves to the most prominent pulse in the environment. This is known as the brain's Frequency Following Response. And this is what allows us to gently yet quickly take your brainwaves to these other highly beneficial brain states in a matter of minutes by simply exposing your brain to targeted frequencies through sound tracks.

You can clearly watch on an EEG machine as brainwaves slow down to match the frequency of an external sound stimulus.

You could spend hours a day trying to meditate or spend even more time and money in talk therapy to realize some of the benefits that come from these brain states. Or you can take the short cut that medical science has given us and use brainwave entrainment to entrain your brainwaves to these transformative frequencies within minutes of listening to these advanced audio tracks.

Simply select the NeuroTōnz soundtrack designed for the effect you're seeking (clarity, relaxation, creativity, etc.) and sit back and listen. It’s effortless and actually quite enjoyable!

And the best part is that it is all done from the comfort of your own home!

The NeuroTōnz Difference - Customized to YOU

It is our belief that any company that creates true brainwave entrainment soundtracks with knowledge and integrity is doing a tremendous service to humanity. At NeuroTōnz, we have taken standard brainwave entrainment one step further by providing you with the opportunity to customize your soundtracks to the frequency that resonates most strongly with your nervous system. We do not know of any other brainwave entrainment company that provides such customized soundtracks.

NeuroTōnz founder, Heather Shover, is a holistic health practitioner trained in principles of Functional Medicine, Neuroacoustic Sound Therapy, and Energy / Vibration Medicine. It is this unique combination of skills and insights that led to the creation of the NeuroTōnz customized brainwave entrainment experience.

Ready to know your custom note that helps take you out of the "fight or flight" stress loop and into a self-healing state?  Simply click on the "Custom Frequency" page, listen to each of the 12 notes (frequencies), and determine which one puts you in a state of greater peace and relaxation. On the product purchase page for each of our brainwave entrainment soundtracks, you'll have the option to select the standard soundtrack with no customized note, or you can select a custom soundtrack in your custom note. Your choice. 

What Else Makes NeuroTōnz Unique?

Advanced Binaural Beats Sound Technology

The NeuroTōnz brainwave entrainment soundtracks are created using advanced binaural beat technology developed by Dr. Jeffrey Thompson at the Center for Neuroacoustic Research in Carlsbad, CA.  Dr. Thompson has been using advanced sound therapy in his holistic practice for nearly 40 years.

You may remember Dr. Thompson from the HEAL documentary released in 2017 with Deepak Chopra, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. Bruce Lipton, and other visionaries who understand the power of the mind to bring the healing that so many of us are seeking at this time.  

NeuroTōnz overlays nature sounds and pleasing melodies on top of the binaural beats to create brainwave entrainment files that are extremely relaxing and enjoyable to listen to.

To learn more about how binaural beats are engineered to create a brainwave entrainment effect, scroll down to the section on More on the Science Behind NeuroTōnz.

How to Use NeuroTōnz Soundtracks for Optimal Results

Remember ... the more time you spend in a brainwave state, the easier it is for your brain to enter into that state in the future. The NeuroTōnz soundtracks are designed for you to spend 30 minutes in targeted brain states (Gamma, Alpha, Theta, and/or Delta) each time you listen.

It’s just like going to the gym to exercise your brain. Just listen to one of the soundtracks daily for several weeks to build up that brainwave "muscle".  You will begin to notice the incredible transformation in your life.  Once you enter the "maintenance" phase, simply play that soundtrack as-needed going forward.  Move on to the next soundtrack when you're ready to work on another area of your life.  

With your soundtrack purchase, you will receive a short but informative user guide that describes the recommended way to listen to these audio files for optimal results. Included will be optional 5 minute practices you can do prior to listening to place your nervous system in a self-healing, parasympathetic state. These practices includes specialized breath work as well as sound therapy practices you can do at home.

Though it's not required for brainwave entrainment to occur, it is recommended to listen with headphones to achieve the right / left brain hemisphere synchronization benefits (which are tremendous!). 

Are you a geek for science?  We are too!
Lots more info below (and a FREE soundtrack to try it out!)

More on the Science Behind NeuroTōnz

Get a FREE Soundtrack!

POWER NAP - Use brainwave entrainment to take your brain through a full cycle of sleep and come out of it refreshed and energized.

Sign up for the NeuroTōnz newsletter below and receive a FREE 10-minute sample of the Power Nap soundtrack!

This 10 minute track slows your brainwaves down to Alpha, Theta, and Delta states, and then back up through Theta and ending in Alpha, so that you finish in a relaxed yet alert state of mind. Perfect for a short power nap!

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Starting with a FREE 10-min sample of Power Nap.  
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By submitting my email address, I give my consent to NeuroTōnz to send me emails containing this soundtrack as well as information about new products, discounts & news, in accordance with its Privacy Policy. NeuroTōnz respects your privacy. You can unsubscribe at any time.